Wednesday, May 31, 2006
மேன்ஹாட்டனில் தேசி அம்மாக்கள்
சலசலக்கும் வளையல்கள்
மடித்த பின்னல்
தொலைந்த பார்வை.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Some questions, some answers and some truths
A traditional Christian wedding?
Nope, he is not too religious.
A typical American wedding?
No way, his parents are a little "old timers".
A conventional Chinese wedding?
Not for sure, the bride is not dressed in their usual red dress with sticks in the head.
A Chinese born American wedding then?
Not exactly.
Then this is just "" wedding?
You can say that.
Why do you ask so many questions?
Because this is my first time.
Oh, that explains everything.
What "everything"?
Well, it's nothing.
If you say, "everything", and then say "nothing", then it is "something".
So, what is it?
You know, usually you are supposed to bring a date to the wedding.
It's usual. But it's not hard and fast.
Is that so? What about you?
You see that guy in gray suit talking to the photographer?
He is your boy friend?
No, he is just a date.
If I had known you were by yourself, we could have worked out something.
By being kind, you know, you are embarrassing me?
That wasn't my intention.
I know.
You are the only one by yourself at this table.
Well, I'm the eternal third wheel.
More like the ninth...
Ha ha! That's funny.
What are you doing after the wedding?
Nothing. Heading straight back to the hotel. What's on your mind?
The gray suit is not fun to be with. If you are game, we can check out some of the lounges around here.
That sounds really cool, but I'll take a rain check on that.
Ah man! You desi guys are prudish, you know that.
You don't have to tell me. But on this occasion, I would rather be a third wheel than a reserve tire.
Ha! Now, that's funny. May be some other time, then.
Some other time...